Day 6

It was extremely windy. We started out in shorts and T- shirt hoping for a warm desert day, but quickly we changed to our winter gear for the whole day. The wind was wicked, it took me off the trail sometimes. Even Mike had a hard time with it. He was nice and checked on me quite a lot if I’m still on the trail or off the mountain.

Today I didn’t worry about snakes, because I figured they don’t like the wind. We took a 2 hour lunch-nap break and finished the hike 8 miles later.

We got to Scissors Crossings’s early afternoon and got water from water caches. We did 14 miles. We could have done more, but intentionally we are trying to take it slower.

We are getting really dirty. I’m not liking it, but shower is coming in 2 days.

Day 5

We are getting hungry! Our bodies are going through change. Probably losing weight, but definitely getting stronger. Each night, we are exhausted, but in the mornings we are ready to go. I have a few blisters, Mike’s knee is doing good.

We made friends with Jam and Squeeze from Connecticut and Tommy from Denmark. By the way each PCT hikers will gain a nick name eventually. Squeeze is super funny, he can’t fit in his sleeping bag easily without squeezing himself into it. He has many PCT goals, which includes no shower for 6 months and cowboy camping every night. So far he is sticking to his goals.

Today was really hot and after 5 miles of relatively easy hike, we had to fill up with 8 liters of water for dry camping tonight and for the next day. Our backpacks are heavy, it’s very hard for me.

Went to sleep at 7:45 pm, exhausted.

Day 4

Last night we camped at Cibbits campground. It was nice and relaxing. A German duo, brother and sister joined us for dinner. The brother is only 19 and after a week, he’ll be doing the PCT on his own. Quite impressive.

We woke up early in the morning and started to climb. I Skyped my Dad on our way up, as he had surgery next day.

Then we ran into a bee cloud that lasted close to 10 scary minutes, but luckily we didn’t get stung. The temperature was rising, however we felt strong all day.

By lunch time we got to Mount Laguna where we got our first supply box from the local post office. It was like Christmas morning. Snacks, dehydrated dinners, beef jerky…We were happy!

At the local store we bought our lunch and under a nice pine tree we took a 2 hour break with fellow PCT hikers.

After lunch we hiked to our camp site at Penny Pines. That day we did 16 miles, it was a good day.

Day 2 and Day 3

Day 2 summary:

We did about 16 miles

We saw 2 large rattle snakes, one soaking up the sun on the trail, and one that cooled up before we took off (quickly!)

It is hot, but after 6 pm it’s quite pleasant. Nights are toasty warm.

We camped at Lake Morena, met many PCT hikers on our way and at the campsite.

Day 3 summary;

We did 15 miles today.

No rattlesnakes, just a lot of lizards.

Today was really hot, so we are really tired and hungry.

We are at Cibbits Campground, and have running, clean water, but sadly no shower. The scenery was beautiful today.

Day 1 – April 7, 2018

Our big adventure starts today…

Mike and I left San Francisco last Monday to start our hike on the PCT.

Before we drove to San Diego, a week ago we moved out from our apartment, and put all our stuff in storage.

I worked until Monday and after 10 years of continuous employment, I am free!

The last few months we have been preparing for this trip. Well, mostly Mike has been preparing. He planned the whole hike, dehydrated a ton of food, and created more excel sheets than was probably reasonable. He put together a bunch of resupply boxes, some of which we already mailed to several post offices along the PCT. We also gave many boxes to Linda & Steve, Mike’s parents, along with Mike’s car. Today after a big breakfast in San Diego, Mike, his parents and I drove down to Campo on the Mexican border to start the big hike.

Now we’re at our first campsite. We only hiked 4 mile to ease into things, and to be near a creek so we didn’t have to haul a ton of water.

Our first snake sighting, just 3 hours in. It’s not a rattle snake, just a friendly little guy who scared the crap out of us.