Day 14 and 15

This is Mike, writing a summary of the last couple days while Margo does our laundry.

Yesterday we had what I think is the steepest, longest descent of the entire PCT. We dropped down from just below the San Jacinto summit to the desert floor, near Cabazon, CA. From the summit it’s about a 9,500′ drop over about 25 miles, and we did most of that, at least elevation- wise, yesterday. It’s a drop I’ve been dreading since we started, but we made it through it with no major joint problems or pain, which is more than I’d hoped for.

We did encounter a swarm of bees, but out of 5 of us I was the only one that got stung. By PCT standards that’s a hugely successful day. Here’s the stinger Margo pulled out of my neck.

It’s nice to be back down at lower elevations where it’s warm. Last night was the first night in a while we could actually sit outside and watch the sunset without freezing, and it was really enjoyable.

Today we got a hotel in Banning, right on the I-10 freeway where it passes between the San Jacinto and San Gorgonio ranges. Tomorrow we start climbing again up into the San Gorgonio mountains, but for today it’s so nice to rest a little. We had lunch at Sizzler and I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much food in one sitting. Everything was so delicious. Either Banning has the best Sizzler in the country, or we’re really hungry.

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